How to Choose Your Next Cigar: A Step-by-Step Guide to Selecting Cigars
How to Choose Your Next Cigar: A Step-by-Step Guide to Selecting Cigars
Part of the fun of enjoying cigars as a hobby is trying new varieties. Seasoned smokers often delight in picking out rare and exotic smokes and adding them to their collections. However, newer cigar lovers may find it challenging to navigate a cigar shop, have trouble finding their favorite cigars, or even feel overwhelmed at the sheer number of brands and sub-brands available for purchase. That’s where we come in. Check our step-by-step guide to selecting cigars so that you can choose your next smoke like a pro.
Step #1 Set a Budget
If you remember anything from this article, let it be this: new cigar smokers should NOT spend a lot of money on cigars. If you’re new to the cigar hobby, please don’t blow hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars on cigars you may not like or even be able to store correctly. Instead, set a budget (say $30) and pick out 3-4 cigars to sample. That way, you won’t get stuck with a box of cigars you may not even smoke.
Of course, experienced smokers can and should set budgets as well — no matter how tough it may be to stick to them!
Step #2 Narrow Your Search
Unless you plan on spending hours online or in a cigar shop, which some folks don’t mind, it’s best to have *some* idea of the cigars you want to purchase before purchasing them. Consider narrowing your search down in some way before you shop. Restrict yourself to cigars made in Nicaragua, cigars made with Connecticut Shade wrappers, or cigars under $8 — or whatever filter you like best! The point is that giving yourself a constraint will help you find a cigar quickly without much stress or hassle.
Step #3 Ask Around
To newcomers, the cigar community can sometimes feel like a private club. And asking a question of a shop employee or a fellow cigar enthusiast can be intimidating. The truth, though, is that most cigar lovers will be only too happy to answer any questions you may have about cigars and provide recommendations as well. Don’t be afraid to ask for a bit of help!
Step #4 Think About the Occasion
A great cigar is perfect for any occasion, right? Well, not exactly. If you know you’ll only have 20-30 minutes to smoke a cigar at an upcoming party, for example, then don’t purchase a big cigar like a Churchill (which can take well over an hour to smoke). Remember this before you buy a fantastic cigar that isn’t right for what you have planned.
Step #5 Sign Up For Cigar World
Cigar World has all the tools you need to find the next great smoke in your life. With Cigar World, you can use our database to find reviews of popular cigars, talk to experienced cigar aficionados, discover cigars similar to your favorites, and access articles and features that highlight incredible new cigars hitting the market all the time. Plus, you can use our store locator tool to find tobacconists near you! Sign up today and find the perfect cigar for your next session.
Previous Article: Cigar World Predicts the Future (2024 Edition)
While 2024 brought its fair share of exciting new cigar releases, we already can’t wait for what 2025 has in store for cigar lovers. Do we know precisely what that will be? Of course not, but we’re going to try and predict it anyway! Here are a few of our best guesses for the upcoming year. (And if you want to see how we did last year, check out our blog here.)
Next Article: Cigars for Celebrations: Welcoming in the New Year
There are countless “good reasons” to light up a cigar. Cigar lovers may smoke to explore a new tobacco variety or to unwind after a long day. However, the best reason to smoke a cigar may just be to celebrate a holiday or other special occasion. With 2024 nearly over, today we’re going to spotlight five cigars that will enhance any party — from New Year’s Eve and beyond!
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