Deep Dive: Camacho Cigars
A deep dive into Camacho Cigars
The Camacho Cigars backstory
To understand Camacho Cigars, you have to first understand the history of the Corojo seed.
Perfected in the 1940’s by famed tobacco grower Diego Rodriguez, Corojo was the incredible result of taking the famed Criollo strain and crossing it with Indonesian Sumatra. The outcome, a bold, yet smooth tobacco that became nothing short of legendary.
After years and years of success, it was time for Corojo’s stay in Cuba to come to an end. The new political regime established an economic environment that nationalized farms and brought forth economic sanctions, jeopardizing the quality and future of Corojo.
Refusing to sit back and watch a legend die, Daniel Rodriguez, Diego’s son, uprooted his family and farm, taking with him as many Corojo seeds as he could into the jungles bordering the Jamastran Valley in Honduras.
And the rest is history.
The Camacho Cigars brand & tobacco style
From the beginning, Camacho cigars have attracted cigar smokers that appreciate full-bodied and full-flavored cigars, brimming with notes of spice, leather, earth, espresso and black pepper.
Camacho’s cigar boxes and bands are just as badass as the tobacco blends themselves, featuring bright, colorful packaging and the iconic scorpion-themed logo.
Who owns Camacho Cigars
The Camacho Cigar brand is owned by the Oettinger Davidoff Group, the parent company of Davidoff of Geneva. Davidoff acquired Camacho in 2008 with the sole focus of amplifying full-bodied cigar brands in its portfolio. Before Davidoff ownership, Camacho was owned and operated by the Eiroa family in Danlí, Honduras.
The Camacho Cigar blends
Camacho American Barrel Aged
Pioneered and perfected. It’s Camacho’s original Corojo tobacco relentlessly aged in Kentucky Bourbon barrels in pursuit of harnessing all the distinct flavors of Nicaragua.
Camacho Connecticut
Boldness, meet our friend balance. It’s Camacho’s mild, smooth take on Connecticut with the spicy kick you’d expect from the brand.
Camacho Corojo
Camacho’s authentic, classic smoke. It’s Camacho's legendary cigar that’s robust, yet smooth, and proudly continues the 100% genuine Corojo Cuban seed history.
Camacho Criollo
Full-flavor sans the full-throttle. It’s Camacho’s sun drenched smoke that packs an extra pop of spice to compliment the mellow sweetness.
Camacho Ecuador
As complex as it is beautiful. Black pepper plays with floral and citrus notes till the end. It’s Camacho’s cigar that can walk the walk and talk the talk.
Camacho Triple Maduro
Dark, rich, full-on flavor. No other maduro in existence delivers the same impact of unique flavor. It’s Camacho’s big, bold smoke for big, bold smokers.
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