Cigar World’s Top Luxury Cigar Cases

A premium cigar calls for a premium carrying case. While you can technically store your cigars in a variety of travel cases, sometimes the situation requires a more refined accessory. As with other cigar accessories, cigar enthusiasts are spoiled for choice when it comes to carrying cases. Today, though, we’ll focus on high-end, luxury cigar cases that won’t feel out of place at a formal gathering or celebration. Check out some of our top picks here!


Vintage Gentleman Luxury Brown Leather Cigar Case

This offering from Vintage Gentleman is one of the easiest cases to recommend for a few reasons. First, it’s relatively cheap at $59.99. Second, its simple and elegant design includes everything you need (space for three cigars plus a cutter) and nothing you don’t. And third, it looks fantastic. Pick it up if you’re in the market for a cost-effective but still classy cigar carrying case.

Luxury Brown Leather Cigar Case With Cutter



Devon Croco Cigar Travel Case

The Devon Croco Cigar Travel Case earns a place on our list mainly because it can hold up to eight cigars when the tray inside is removed. In addition, this smart-looking case comes with a stainless steel cigar cutter and stand. At $204.00, we think this case represents good value for money for the traveling cigar lover.

Devon Croco Cigar Travel Case

Bosquet Smooth Forest Green Leather Cigar Case

Why is the Bosquet Leather Cigar Case $375? Because each one is crafted from the finest French leather and lined with five different layers to protect cigars during transit. In addition, this case simply looks incredible — making it a must-have for formal gatherings and special occasions.

Bosquet Smooth Forest Green Leather Cigar Case

Custom Leather Cigar Travel Case in Antique Saddle

Pappy Van Winkle is a famous name in both the cigar and spirits industries, so perhaps it’s no surprise that this custom leather cigar case from Pappy and Company comes equipped with a handsome 6 oz. flask. The saddle also features a cedar-lined cigar case with room for five cigars and genuine leather pouches to store your other cigar accessories. It even has sleeves for business or credit cards. For $495 a pop, this beauty from Pappy and Company isn’t cheap, but it is worth every penny.

Custom Havana Leather Cigar Travel Case in Antique Saddle


What’s your favorite cigar carrying case? Sign up for Cigar World and let us know with a comment!


Previous Article: A Guide to Buying Electric Cigar Humidors 2024

If you smoke cigars, a humidor is a no-brainer. Without a humidor, a cigar can last about 30 days at best, that is, if it’s in a cellophane wrapper. No wrapper? You’re looking at just three days.


In order to last, cigars need to be kept at a certain temperature, humidity, and moisture level. When these factors aren’t kept in check, your smoke will lose freshness and quickly deteriorate in flavor. There are a variety of ways to protect your cigars — from a fancy cabinet humidor to a simple acrylic jar humidor. However, if you’re looking for the best of the best, the electric cigar humidor is the way to go.

Next Article: 15 Best Humidors For Home or Travel Humidors

For anyone new to cigars or even for the seasoned cigar expert, one of the key accessories to complete any cigar collection is a great humidor. Without storing your cigars at the proper temperature and humidity, they are certain to end up dry and anything but what the cigar artisan who rolled them intended them to be.

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