Is there a “wrong way” to light a cigar? Ask five different cigar lovers, and you may get five different answers. What is indisputable is that how you light a cigar can affect how the cigar burns and, as a result, how you experience the smoke. Today, we’ll aim to clarify the situation by answering the question: what’s the best lighter for a cigar smoker, a torch, or a soft flame? 

Torch vs Soft Flame

The short answer: torches are better for lighting cigars than soft flame lighters (Bic lighters). This is true for a few reasons. 

Number one, torch flame lighters produce a stronger flame than soft flame lighters. This makes it easier for a smoker to light the foot of the cigar evenly. An uneven light at the start of a smoke session can negatively affect the smoking experience by muting some of the flavors and creating a crooked, wonky burn line. 

Second, torch flame lighters are much more wind-resistant than soft flame lighters. If you plan to smoke outdoors, invest in a torch flame lighter to ensure you aren’t fighting a losing battle against a light breeze.

Third, torch flame lighters are more precise than soft flame lighters. This can be useful if you need to “touch up” a cigar with an uneven burn. Torch lighters enable cigar smokers to light more accurately — reducing the risk of “over-lighting” and charring part of your cigar. 

Can You Light a Cigar with a Soft Flame?

Having said all that, yes, you can light a cigar with a soft flame lighter. If you have no other option, a Bic lighter can work in a pinch. Note that they’ll do better with thinner and smaller cigars, so save your Toros (and bigger) for when you have a quality lighter. 

What’s the Best Way to Light a Cigar?

We’ve covered the torch lighter vs soft flame lighter debate, but some cigar lovers reject the use of mechanical lighters entirely. Old-school cigar thinking suggests that the best (or, for some, only) way to light a cigar is with a match or a lit cedar spill. These purists insist that since matches and cedar spills don’t contain any of the chemicals found in lighter fluid, using them protects the integrity of the cigar’s flavor profile. Of course, matches present many of the same problems as soft flame lighters — namely, they don’t work in the elements. While we won’t make a recommendation one way or the other, we do recognize that there are both pros and cons with torch lighters and matches. 

Best Torch Flame Lighters

Looking for a recommendation? Then, let us direct you to the Xikar Stratosphere II Lighter. Versatile, affordable, and reliable, this is everything a cigar smoker could want from a torch lighter. For even more excellent torch flame lighter options, check out our blog here!


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    (60 days ago)

    The best way is in the company of people you love and near some tasty Bourbon...I enjoy breaking out my table top lighter but on the regular carry 2 x triple flame torches.