Romeo y Julieta
Romeo y Julieta cigars are famous for their old Cuban roots and are well-known for including several top-performing selections. Each blend in the Romeo y Julieta portfolio offers consistently balanced, smooth flavors that are approachable from start to finish. Cigar lovers have gravitated toward Romeo y Julieta cigars for years for reliable construction and a range of profiles with savory finishes that are on the creamier side.
Romeo y JulietaReserva Real Nicaragua
Exclusively grown on A.J. Fernandez's farms in Esteli, Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Nicaragua is a medium to full bodied cigar that boasts except…
Romeo y Julieta1875 Connecticut Nicaragua
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Connecticut Nicaragua is a never-before-tasted experience of the smooth, creamy notes typical of Connecticut-shade combined with…
Romeo y JulietaRyJ Nicaragua by AJ Fernandez
Romeo y Julieta Nicaragua by AJ Fernandez is a slow burning, medium to full bodied powerhouse of a cigar. On the outside, it features a coffee-brown N…
Romeo y Julieta1875 Nicaragua
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua is a medium-full bodied, complex, and well-balanced blend. It comes dressed in an oily Nicaraguan wrapper that’s loaded…
Romeo y JulietaRomeo San Andres
Blended by A.J. Fernandez in Esteli, Nicaragua, Romeo San Andres by Romeo y Julieta is a dark and toothy powerhouse of a cigar that features a Mexican…
Romeo y Julieta1875 by Romeo y Julieta
1875 by Romeo y Julieta is an easy-going medium-bodied cigar that boasts a smooth draw and a slow burn. On the outside, you’ll find an oily Indonesian…
Romeo y JulietaAniversario
Romeo y Julieta Aniversario is a complex yet super-smooth medium-bodied cigar. It comes dressed to the nines in an extensively-fermented, dark-brown E…
Romeo y JulietaReserve Maduro
Romeo y Julieta Reserve Maduro is a rich and robust medium-bodied cigar that’s brimming with character. On the outside, you’ll find a dark, oily, and…
Romeo y JulietaVintage
Romeo y Julieta Vintage is an exquisitely blended, mellow to medium bodied cigar that’s sure to please. It comes dressed in a gorgeous, golden-brown E…
Romeo y JulietaRomeo Anejo
Featuring a four-country blend of fine, hand-selected tobaccos, Romeo Anejo from Romeo y Julieta is a full-bodied party starter. It comes dressed in a…
Romeo y JulietaRomeo 505 Nicaragua
Romeo 505 Nicaragua from Romeo y Julieta is a full-bodied cigar that comes dressed to impress. It hits the scene in a dark and oily Nicaragua Jalapa w…
Romeo y JulietaReserve
Romeo y Julieta Reserve is a rich and robust medium to full-bodied cigar that’s brimming with character. On the outside, you’ll find a dark, oily, and…
Romeo y JulietaMiniatures Red
Romeo y Julieta Miniatures Ted might be small, but these mellow to medium bodied, 3x20 cigars allow you to enjoy a Romeo y Julieta experience in half…
Romeo y JulietaMiniatures White
Romeo y Julieta Miniatures White might be small, but these medium bodied, 3x20 cigars allow you to enjoy a Romeo y Julieta experience in half the time…
Romeo y JulietaMiniatures Blue
Romeo y Julieta Miniatures Blue might be small, but these mellow to full bodied, 3x20 cigars allow you to enjoy a Romeo y Julieta experience in half t…
Romeo y JulietaReserva Real
Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real is a mellow to medium-bodied, yet rich and flavorful cigar. On the outside, you’ll meet an oily, golden-brown Ecuadorian…
Romeo y JulietaRomeo y Julieta 1875
Romeo y Julieta 1875 is an easy-going medium-bodied cigar that boasts a smooth draw and a slow burn. On the outside, you’ll find an oily Indonesian Wr…
Romeo y JulietaRomeo
Romeo by Romeo y Julieta is a full bodied, robust cigar made from some of the finest and rarest tobaccos available. It comes dressed in a dark Ecuador…