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Cigar Reviewed: My Father The Judge
Initial Light and First Third:
When you first light up "The Judge", you'll likely be greeted with a burst of peppery spice. This is a signature of many Nicaraguan cigars, especially those from My Father Cigars.
As the initial sharpness mellows, you might notice earthy tones coming through, along with a hint of leather. This sets the stage for the deeper flavors that develop later on.
Second Third:
As you enter the middle section of the cigar, the spice may recede slightly, making way for richer, more nuanced flavors.
Here, you might detect notes of nuts – perhaps almonds or walnuts – and a certain creamy quality that smoothens the overall experience.
There's also a good chance of encountering woody undertones, adding to the earthiness established earlier.
Final Third:
In the last stretch of the cigar, expect a return or intensification of the spicy notes, but this time they're more intricately woven with the other flavors.
The earthiness might deepen, and you could experience more pronounced notes of cocoa or dark chocolate, adding a slight bitterness that balances well with the residual sweetness.
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