Smoked: Gispert Grand Exhibition Toro

I liked this cigar so much back in January that I decided to pick up another not long ago. Today I wasn’t in the mood for one of my daily-rotation robustos, so I decided it was going to be a toro day. “But which one?” I wondered.

As I opened the humidor, the Gispert called out to me. (You know how cigars do that.) I wasn’t disappointed. It paired perfectly with a “chipc73 Gin Martini, Dirty/Rocks/Garlic Stuffed Olives” cocktail. Deeeee-licious all the way around.

Box worthy cigar for sure. But, I’ve run out of box space. Ohhhh noooooooooooo! I better get a-smokin.’


Gispert G E Toro v2


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