Padron Padron Series
Padron Series cigars are robust Nicaraguan puros cultivated from Esteli that boast deep, consistent, and complex flavors. On the exterior, there’s two different options, a dark and oily Nicaraguan Maduro wrapper or a natural, golden-brown Nicaraguan wrapper. Meticulously blended on the inside, a mesmerizing mixture of hearty Nicaraguan tobaccos produces rich layers of toast, coffee, espresso, and a touch of caramel.
Flavor Profile
Available Sizes
Ring Gauge
Smoke Time
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PerdomoHabano Bourbon Barrel-Aged Maduro
Perdomo Bourbon Barrel-Aged Maduro is a medium to full-bodied melting pot of a cigar. It comes dressed in a mysteriously dark Nicaraguan Maduro wrappe…
PerdomoCraft Series Maduro
Perdomo Craft Series Maduro is a full flavored, medium to full bodied cigar that adorns a dark and oily Nicaraguan Maduro wrapper. Cloaked underneath,…