Macanudo M French Vanilla
The French Vanilla M by Macanudo flavor defies the typical flavored cigar experience. It smokes like a premium Nicaraguan cigar, but is enhanced with enticing flavor notes to deliver an indulgent departure from the everyday smoke. These notes work in harmony with a luscious Indonesian wrapper and rich Nicaraguan binder and filler to create the ultimate flavored smoking experience.
Flavor Profile
MacanudoM Dark Rum
Spirits and cigars are as fabled and dependable pairing as any, and the Dark Rum M by Macanudo flavor brings the two together as one. This is a seriou…
Drew EstateLarutan Dirties
Drew Estate Larutan Dirties are tasty little 4x32 morsels of cigars packaged up in 10-pack tins. Wrapped in an Indonesian binder, these time-saving, m…
MacanudoM Mint Cocoa
On its own, a premium handmade Nicaraguan cigar makes for a rewarding smoke, but infused with mint and cocoa flavors? That's what the Mint Cocoa…