Flavor-infused Cigars
Flavor-infused cigars or flavored cigars have flavoring incorporated into a premium hand-rolled blend to taste like things such as; fruits, vanilla, chocolate, or coffee.
CAO FlavoursEileen's Dream
CAO Eileen's Dream is one of the most enticingly-flavored premium cigars ever created. An avalanche of flavors begins when superior Irish whiskey…
CAO FlavoursBella Vanilla
CAO Bella Vanilla features the extract of vanilla beans from Madagascar, the premier source of vanilla in the world. When infused with its Dominican b…
CAO FlavoursGold Honey
CAO Gold Honey utilizes the highest quality honey derived from the delicate nectar of Florida orange blossoms. Expect a balanced cigar with a uniquely…
CAO FlavoursMoontrance
The exceedingly flavorful and enjoyable smoking experience of CAO Moontrance is characterized by an intricate blend of exotic fruit and vanilla flavor…