ACID Atom Maduro by Drew Estate is a medium-full-bodied, hand rolled cigar that boasts flavorful Nicaraguan tobaccos that are covered in a rich, Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper to create a distinct tobacco flavor when compared to other infused cigars from ACID. Each ACID cigar is cured in aroma rooms for months prior to the rolling process in order to ensure over 150 herbs, oils, or botanicals will be infused into each and every puff.
Flavor Profile
ACIDPurple Krush Morado
ACID Purple Krush Morado by Drew Estate is a medium-full bodied, petite 4x32 cigar that’s packaged in 10-count tins. An ultra-creamy Connecticut Broad…
ACIDPurple Extra Ordinary Larry
ACID Purple Extra Ordinary Larry by Drew Estate is a medium-full bodied, hand rolled, 6x60 cigar that boasts spicy, herbal Nicaraguan tobacco bundled…
Drew EstateNica Rustica
Nica Rustica from Drew Estate is a medium-full bodied, complex cigar that certainly dials the intensity up to 11. It comes dressed in a dark Connectic…