Jean Romanowicz, Editor of Cigar World had the amazing opportunity to sit down with Robert Glick (@artdefumar) a cigar band custom artist.

Jean: Robert, such a pleasure to meet you! I love your work.

Robert: Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. Creating art using cigar bands is my passion, my love and all too often my source of therapy.

Jean: What was your first piece?

Robert: One day I was sitting in my cigar room in my house next to a jar that I used to collect my cigar bands. On the table in front of me was around one coaster and I thought to myself how cool would it be to decorate the coaster using cigar bands. And that's where it all began.

Jean: What is your favorite piece?

Robert: I'm not sure that I actually have a favorite piece, as I consider a lot of my artwork to be like children. I may love each piece in a different way but I love them all equally. I do love challenging myself to create very intricate frames pieces of art and so the more challenging they become the greater the excitement when I finish them. I have been humbled over the last couple of years to design my cigar band artwork for many in the cigar industry including Jorge Padron, Carlito Fuente, Joche Blanco, Jeremy Casdagli, Erik Espinosa, Tony & Litto Gomez and Raquel Quesada. I also have designed art for Oliva, LA Aurora and other Manufacturers.

Jean: Anything special you are working on?

Robert: I am honored to have been asked by Pro Cigar to design the art for all a cigar box gift set given to all of the attendees of their White night dinner next February during their Pro Cigar Festival in the Dominican Republic. It's really an incredible festival. I am also designing a backgammon table that is inlaid only with cigar bands and will be working on an extravagant chess table.

Jean: What drew you to the Cigar Industry:

Robert: I have been a cigar lover since I was 25 years old.  I have always admired the beauty and intricacy of cigar bands. Once I started creating art with cigar bands and posting my work on my Instagram page @artdefumar, to my surprise and quite honestly shocked, cigar enthusiasts, lounge owners and others connected to the cigar industry began reaching out to me which has resulted in a significant amount of people that follow me on Instagram. I am honored to communicate with people that admire my artwork throughout the United States and worldwide. 

Jean: How long have you been working in cigars:

Robert: I have been creating cigar band artwork for the last seven years.

Jean: What inspired you to create with this medium?

Robert: As a little boy, I always loved the intricacy of puzzles, and I feel that creating artwork with cigar bands is akin to creating and designing my own puzzles as each and every small piece of a band that may be cut out fits in and interlocks with the next to create a seamless transition. What I love about this medium is that from a distance, you can’t tell what the design is until you walk up close and realize that my art is done exclusively with cigar bands.

Jean: Do you work with any other mediums:

Robert: Not really. However, I once designed a full-scale replica of a United States postbox using stamps from all over the world over the entire box.

Jean: What is your favorite cigar:

Robert: Not sure I really have one favorite cigar. Although I love all of the Fuente Opus X, The Padron 1964, and the Montecristo No.2. cigars. I'm in partnership with three of my friends, and we have our own boutique cigar that is manufactured in the Dominican Republic, and it's called Kinship Cigars. We have two blends—one with a Habano 2000 wrapper and the other with a San Andreas wrapper.  


Jean: What do you like to pair your cigar with?

Robert: I never liked the taste of alcohol. So, quite candidly, I don't consume any. So I guess my best answer would be a club soda with lemon or, if I really want to go crazy a good cup of coffee.                                            

Jean: Do you take commissions, and if so how do we get in touch with you for this?

Robert: I have customers from all over the world. People contact me on my Instagram @Artdefumar, or my website at, and I will soon be coming out with an online catalog. Often, people will send me a screenshot from something on my Instagram and inquire about purchasing. I do take on commissions for individuals, lounge owners, cigar manufacturers and for that matter, anybody who's interested in acquiring my artwork. 

Jean: Robert, thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions.

Robert: You are very welcome!


If you want a chance to win a print of one of Robert’s outstanding pieces of art, go to the Cigar World IG here and check out our contest!

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    (11 months ago)

    So cool!