Cigar World's Artisan’s Corner: An Interview with Jason Lois

It’s weird how things can work out sometimes. I was working on a project for a local art group and was looking for a graffiti artist. I came across Jason Lois, and while perusing his work, I noticed that he had a ton of photos with cigars. I reached out and discovered that this artist is also a member of the cigar community with a history of having worked in the industry in many capacities. Jason was kind enough to sit down with us, explain what he has been up to since leaving the industry, and give us a brief background on his time spent working in cigars. So buckle up and join us for our latest edition of Artisan’s Corner with Jason Lois.

Jean: Thanks so much for doing this! So a bit of background for the audience is that I was just looking for graffiti artists on Instagram for a different project, and I came across your page and saw that not only were you this amazing artist, but you were also a huge cigar guy. I knew I had to get to know you better, so why don’t you start off by telling us a bit about yourself like where you’re from, what you do and what your background is/was in the cigar industry.

Jason: Thank you so much for including me for these special little pop-up interviews.  It’s truly a pleasure. I was in the cigar industry for 14 years until I retired in the midst of the pandemic to pursue my art full-time rather than it just being a side hustle.  My creative was always helpful in creating branding, packaging and marketing for both retail and manufacturer positions I held in the industry.  This is my place though… being an artist is and always been my driving force.  I’m a creator and that’s what made me successful in both industries.

Jean: Ha! I know that was a loaded first question, so let’s follow up with something easier. Favorite cigar moment? 

Jason: Favorite cigar moment was winning the first ever held CSWC (Cigar Smoking World Championship) event to be held in the U.S. and then competing at the grand finale in Croatia on multiple occasions. Being ranked in the world as one of the best in anything is always a treat… especially something I was so passionate about.  That occurrence led to bigger and better moments down the road in my professional career.


Jean: Ok, so diving into your art. When did you know that art was something you wanted to pursue as a career? 

Jason: I have always known… I just had to find my voice… find my path and it took some searching…

Jean: Has painting always been your go-to medium?

Jason: painting yes, but I use all kinds of different styles and paints to create my work.  Anything from oil, acrylic, spray paint and more…

Jean: And I see that you have been doing a ton of projects and collaborations lately. Can you tell us a bit about some of those?

Jason: Collaborations for me might be the most exciting at the moment.  It gives me an opportunity to work with big brands and grow my footprint more globally.  I have done several in the bourbon industry and am working to complete many more.  it’s really been a blessing to work with brands like Willett and Subtle Spirits but I’m not limited to only bourbon, my ambition is to create for designer high fashion brands and I feel like those moments are not far away.

Jean: I adored the wedding dress shoot. How did that come about?

Jason: so the wedding dress shoot was something I had been thinking about for a while… I’m trying to bring new experiences to the masses here in Louisville and I want to impact the artistic vibe and atmosphere here so that events like that are not rare.  I had an entire team of people that made that little experience happen and really it was to bring attention to one of my latest shows at Mellwood Art Center.  Up until this point I have done most everything by myself in regard to my art.  Yet I know that having a team only expands what everyone is able to do… 

Thats what I’m trying to do more of in the future… Expand with a group of individuals… creatives that have the same vision… to impact positively on this and other markets.  That photo shoot was the beginning of the team effort executing something fun and different for this market and a steppingstone towards the future of Art and creatives here in Louisville.


Jean: So, what is a piece that you have created that you are most proud of?

Jason: I’m not sure if I have one piece that I’m proud of more than another.  Each piece represents a place and time in my life.  Without one the others don’t exist.  I feel like I continue to grow each time my brush hits canvas.  So, to answer that question… I would say my next piece is the one I’m most proud of… and that will continue until I’m unable to paint any longer.


Jean: Do you have a muse? Mentor? What do you do when you are experiencing a creative block?

Jason: Life is my muse.  I use it in all the ways.  Harnessing all life’s trials and tribulations into a creative mix on to canvas.


Jean: Who do you want to work with the most? Do you have an ultimate goal of collaborating with a particular group or person? 

Jason: Ultimate goal would be to work with LVMH.  I was in Paris, France last year and was able to go to the LVMH foundation where I saw a combination of my favorite artists on display as well as a list of all artists that LVMH has collaborated with and that moment was so inspiring to me and I use that moment every day to drive myself forward to that goal.


Jean: What is next? I imagine you have some pretty cool things coming up. Can you elaborate on what we should be looking for?

Jason: You just have to watch… I guarantee it will be entertaining


Jean: Do you ever see yourself working in the cigar industry again? Like.. Maybe with Cigar World 😉?

Jason: I would never say no to the right opportunity.


Jean: Well Jason, it was a pleasure to share your talent and ties to the industry with our audience. Thanks again for taking the time to chat!

Jason: Thank you so much for having me and allowing me to share a little bit of myself and my creative.


You can shop Jason’s items on his website, and follow him on all the socials so that you can keep up with all the collaborations and projects he is working on. @LAWSOFLOIS

Also, you could win one of his pieces by checking out our post on our Instagram, so head to the Cigar World socials and enter today!


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